Free training courses


This course is designed for those who wish to develop practical and strategic skills in management control.

Through the use of Zucchetti software, you will learn to analyze business data, monitor costs and revenues, and support managerial decisions with analytical accounting and financial analysis tools.

The main objective of the course ” budgeting and management control with Zucchetti ” is to provide participants with a solid understanding of the fundamental principles of management control, above all, to equip them with the practical skills necessary to use the analysis and cost accounting tools in clerical work.


This course is funded through the active labor market policies program Workers’ Employability Guarantee (GOL).

To access this free course you must:

Be between 16 and 64 years old.
Don’t have a job.
Have residence or domicile in Lombardy.
Not having previously activated an active labor market policy path (GOL Program).
Knowledge of the Italian language.
Basic computer skills.



Double game.
Cost analysis.
The budget.
How to manage and analyze data with Zucchetti.


A week


One of the AKG offices in Milan

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