Marco ricopre il ruolo di Chief Operating Officer e si occupa dell’implementazione dei processi e dei flussi operativi per l’attuazione delle strategie aziendali. Responsabile di tutti i dipartimenti di Maximus Italia, Marco programma, gestisce e verifica tutte le attività orientate al raggiungimento delle performance e degli obiettivi aziendali. Marco è una figura storica di Maximus Italia ed ha iniziato ricoprendo il ruolo di Programme Manager nell’ottobre 2019 con l’approdo di Maximus in Italia.
Meet our team
Our team is the beating heart of our work. Meet the AKG team in Italy.
Marco Frangione
Chief Operating Officer
Giorgia D'Alessandro
Operations Manager
Giorgia is responsible for operations linked to the Active Policies programs in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna. Previously he held sales roles in the retail sector, before joining Maximus in October 2019, where he currently carries out the coordination role on the Case Manager and Trainer teams, in order to guarantee the correct provision of all orientation and training services for candidates looking for work who fall within the Youth Guarantee, Dote Unica Lavoro and Rete Attiva Lavoro programmes.
Giulia Abate
Regional Operations Manager, Lombardy
Giulia entra a far parte di Maximus a marzo 2021 con il ruolo di Case Manager presso la sede di Milano, occupandosi di servizi di ricollocazione e accompagnamento al lavoro all’interno delle Politiche Attive dell’Occupazione. A luglio 2021 ha assunto il ruolo di Senior Case Manager supportando il proprio team nella gestione, pianificazione ed erogazione diretta delle attività di aiuto alla ricollocazione. Da gennaio 2022 ricopre il ruolo di Regional Operation Manager – Lombardia.
Massimo Colombetti
Head of finance and amministration
Massimo ricopre il ruolo di Head of Finance and Administration in AKG Italia, da marzo 2023.
Inizia il suo percorso professionale come revisore contabile in Deloitte Italia per poi ricoprire posizioni manageriali nell’area Finance in Italia e all’estero per primarie aziende multinazionali operanti in diversi settori quali Ferrero, Millicom International Cellular, Canal+ International e Alliance Healthcare Italia .
In AKG, Massimo è responsabile dell’area amministrazione, finanza e controllo e gestisce i team Finance e Validation & Claim a livello Italia.
Giuliana Sutera
Operations Team Leader, Milano
Giuliana entra in Maximus nel dicembre del 2020 con il ruolo di Case Manager presso la sede di Milano. Dal 2017 al 2020 è stata la responsabile del servizio di orientamento alla formazione professionale e all’inserimento lavorativo all’interno di diversi centri di accoglienza, coordinando differenti progetti sul territorio e impegnandosi nell’integrazione e nell’accompagnamento verso l’autonomia professionale dei richiedenti asilo.
Oggi, Giuliana coordina un team nel ruolo di Operations Team Leader e si occupa dell’erogazione di servizi di Politiche Attive utili a supportare i candidati in percorsi dedicati volti al reinserimento nel mondo del lavoro.
Elena Rivabella
Head of Human Resources
Elena Rivabella è Head of Human Resources per AKG Italia da settembre 2023.
Nel suo background professionale ha più di 5 anni di esperienza come HR Business Partner per una grande azienda multinazionale nel settore dell’e-commerce e dei servizi digitali, e 2 anni come consulente nell’ambito delle risorse umane digitali e dell’orientamento professionale. In AKG Italia il suo percorso è caratterizzato da un forte impegno nel migliorare le pratiche di gestione delle risorse umane, con particolare attenzione alla trasformazione digitale e al supporto individuale per lo sviluppo professionale.
Chiara Di Cristofalo
Senior Case Manager, Milan
Chiara joined Maximus in December 2020 with the role of Case Manager at the Milan office. It deals with the provision of Active Labor Policies aimed at guaranteeing support and accompaniment in the work of young people and adults.
Graduated in Planning and Management of Social Services and in possession of the qualification to practice as a social worker, she wrote a master’s thesis entitled “Employment promotion: Active Labor Policies in Italy” delving into the study of public tools for job placement together with European and national policies related to the regulation of the labor market.
Since December 2021 he has held the role of Senior Case Manager.
Mauro Sanfilippo
Senior Case Manager, Milan
Mauro graduated in Social, Work and Organizational Psychology with top marks. He began his career in training companies and small employment agencies, always dealing with professional orientation and support for the reintegration into work of unemployed people or people at risk of unemployment, young people looking for their first professional opportunity, people belonging to fragile or disadvantaged categories . After a Master’s degree in Organization and Management of Human Resources, he moved to Rome where, in 2017, he worked in a large employment agency as a Recruiter and responsible for the provision, planning and management of regional measures of Active Labor Policies .
Mauro joined Maximus in March 2021 with the role of Case Manager at the Milan office, dealing with relocation and work support services within the Active Policies co-financed at national, regional and European level. In particular, over the months, he has been involved in the coaching service for the Dote Unica Lavoro Programme.
Since January 2022 he has held the role of Senior Case Manager, supporting his team in the management, planning and direct provision of relocation assistance activities.
Giulia Agostini
Senior Employer Engagement Officer
After her university studies in the artistic and cultural field, Giulia began working in the press office of a communication agency in Bologna; he stayed here for four years and carried out promotional activities for events of national and international appeal. Subsequently, still in the same role, he worked for the Italian Cultural Institute of San Francisco where he reported the activities carried out in the Californian city to the national media.
Having returned to Italy, she obtained the Cedils L2 certification at the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and began teaching the Italian language to immigrants as a volunteer at the CGIL headquarters in Bologna. At the same time he founded two cultural festivals in Sardinia and managed their communication, relations with institutions, sponsors and projects aimed at the integration of foreign communities in the area.
Since 2018 she has worked as an account and new business manager at a renowned communication and speaker management company in Bologna before joining Maximus at the beginning of 2021 where she currently holds the role of Senior Employer Engagement Officer.
Chiara Giambelli
Senior Case Manager, Milan
Chiara joins Maximus in April 2021 with the role of Case Manager, dealing with relocation support and work accompaniment within the Active Labor Policy projects for the Milan office.
Graduated in Intercultural Communication, following a Master’s in Human Resources she began her professional career in the field of research and selection, then dealing with youth orientation, career consultancy and support services for job reintegration.
Since February 2022 he has held the role of Senior Case Manager.
Valentina Gargaro
Senior Case Manager, Milan
I graduated in December 2016 in Clinical Psychology: health, family relations and community interventions. Since January 2017 I began a collaboration with Afol Metropolitana in which I was involved in projects financed by European social funds aimed at the educational accompaniment and reintegration into work of individuals subjected to measures by judicial authorities, prisoners in penitentiary institutions and asylum seekers.
I joined Maximus in April 2021 with the role of Case Manager dealing with relocation support and work accompaniment within Active Labor Policies projects and since March 2022 I have held the role of Senior Case Manager.
I love creating relationships in order to give concrete support to my candidates and make them satisfied with the work done together.
Alice Rovera
Senior Case Manager, Varese
In Maximus since September 2019, Alice began her career in the Varese operational headquarters with the role of Case Manager. As Tutor of Active Labor Policies of the Lombardy Region, he supports and accompanies unemployed workers who wish to re-enter the world of work. She became Senior Case Manager in May 2021 and starting from September of the same year she is responsible for coordinating and supporting the team of Case Managers at the Varese office.
She obtained a master’s degree in Educational Sciences with a focus on Experts in Adult Educational Processes and from 2001 to 2015 she worked in Human Resources at a medium-sized manufacturing company, within which she was able to undertake a growth path both in administration and HR management. She was actively involved in the company’s ISO certification process, dealing with the creation of all HR management procedures and developing the company’s personnel selection, training, training and evaluation processes.
For some years, she collaborated with an association in the Varese area, dealing with training activities and running support and accompaniment groups on the topics of motherhood and parenting.
Francesca Milioli
Senior Case Manager, Varese
Francesca deals with active job search orientation and scouting for people included in the Dote Unica Lavoro programme. She joined Maximus in January 2020 as Case Manager and subsequently assumed the role of Senior Orientator. Before joining Maximus, Francesca held the role of Active Policy tutor at important institutions and, before that, as an expert in adult training processes. Her career began as an employee in the training area of a prestigious service company, following her master’s degree in Training and Human Resources Development, obtained in 2014 at the University of Milan-Bicocca.
Evelin Mazzoni
Senior Case Manager, Bologna
Gemma Orsini
Senior Case Manager, Modena
Gemma, after obtaining a degree in Philosophy, in 2001 accidentally discovered an interest in the world of career guidance and training which has never ceased to fascinate her. At the beginning of her career she dedicated herself to the study and practice of orientation from a gender perspective and the inclusion of women in the job market. She has held the role of active policy expert in both training institutions and employment agencies. Over the years, he has deepened his study of coaching techniques, professional orientation and outplacement, with the aim of supporting people, accompanying them in the process of rebuilding and enhancing their resources. In April 2021 he joined Maximus and now holds the role of Senior Case Manager at the Modena office.
Ilaria Mantega
Senior Case Manager, Piacenza
Ilaria has been a psychologist and trainer since 2017. She specializes in conducting specialist interviews to define people’s abilities and strengths in order to help them highlight their growth potential. He carried out coaching, tutoring and work support activities.
Sensitive to the issue of gender equality, in 2015 she began collaborating with the Anti-Violence Center of Piacenza, first as a volunteer operator and then as a psychologist, dealing with the training of adults and adolescents and the development of prevention projects on gender violence .
Ilaria joined Maximus in July 2020 as Case Manager and in February 2022 took on the Senior Case Manager role.
He currently manages the operational headquarters in Piacenza and is responsible for the development and delivery of the corporate well-being program, WE Program – Wellness for Everyone.
Vincenzo Rizzo
Training Manager
Always interested in the world of communication, Vincenzo began his professional career in 2015 after his first degree in Modern Languages and Cultures. He has always been involved in training, providing language and communication courses for various professional realities, but it was after his Master’s Degree in International Communication that he realized he wanted to specialize in personal services, designing and providing group and personal orientation and coaching courses. .
In 2017 he moved to Milan, starting a short career as a freelancer, collaborating with various public training bodies and private companies throughout the country. In his growth path he could not miss an in-depth study on digital communication thanks to the achievement of a Master in Digital Marketing in 2020.
He joined the Maximus family in May 2021 as a Trainer and since March 2022 he has held the role of Training Manager.
Andrea Hubbard
Training Ambassador, Milan
Andrea has been a Senior Trainer since he joined Maximus in February 2021 to take care of training in the field of Active Policies.
Once he obtained a degree in “International Sciences” from the faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Milan, Andrea completed his studies with a Master’s degree in Tourism Economics at L. Bocconi University in 2011.
He has experience in various sectors such as marketing (Copywriter), video production (Voice Artist) and tourism (Incoming Manager and Content Editor) but has been involved in training since 2012 when he started, almost for fun, teaching English.
From there his career as a linguistic consultant and proof-reader. After a year, as a freelancer where he mainly collaborated with UniCredit Banca, providing company courses, from 2013 to 2018 he worked at New English Teaching Srl as a teacher and teacher trainer.
In 2019 he was hired by the British School Group as Deputy Director, taking on a managerial role which lasts until February 2021.
Since February 2022 Andrea has held the role of Training Ambassador.
Ilaria Cangiulli
Senior Trainer, Milan
Ilaria graduated in Sociology in 2010 with a research thesis on the topic of associationism and the development of social capital, subsequently participating in various projects regarding civic participation. The social research activity continues at the General Consulate of Ecuador in Milan with a publication for the University of Pavia on the topic of family reunification.
Between 2012 and 2016 she was involved in European mobility programs which led her to collaborate first with the Spanish Red Cross in the immigration sector and then with another NGO to support people at risk of social exclusion, in order to relocate them in the labor market. Work.
In addition to her classroom experiences as a trainer on the topics of soft skills, communication and digital skills, in Italy Ilaria works at various institutions as a tutor for Active Labor Policies and subsequently as coordinator of the training office for courses aimed at young people and adults.
Ilaria joined Maximus in October 2019 with the role of Trainer and in February 2021 she became Senior Trainer.
Chiara Mazza
Senior Trainer, Milan
During her three-year degree course at the Higher School of Modern Languages for Interpreters and Translators of Trieste, Chiara began her career as an English teacher in 2012, teaching adults and children at the Orizzonti dell’Est e dell’Ovest Cultural Association . However, it is the experience carried out at Nancy Rose Steinbock’s Inglese Dinamico school in Venice that convinced her to undertake a path more oriented towards the person and the specific needs of the individual and approach the world of teaching languages to children with DSA Specific to learning).
Chiara then graduated in 2017 in Language Sciences with a thesis on teaching the English language to students with DSA and deafness and continues her path specializing in language teaching to students with Special Educational Needs. She then works until the end of 2020 for Open Minds Srl as an English teacher, DSA specialist and course designer, obtaining MIUR accreditation for her training courses aimed at language teachers in primary and secondary schools.
Since the beginning of 2021 he has been working for Maximus as a Trainer and since February 2022 as a Senior Trainer.
Andrea Hubbard
Training Ambassador, Milan
Andrea has been a Senior Trainer since he joined Maximus in February 2021 to take care of training in the field of Active Policies.
Once he obtained a degree in “International Sciences” from the faculty of Political Sciences at the University of Milan, Andrea completed his studies with a Master’s degree in Tourism Economics at L. Bocconi University in 2011.
He has experience in various sectors such as marketing (Copywriter), video production (Voice Artist) and tourism (Incoming Manager and Content Editor) but has been involved in training since 2012 when he started, almost for fun, teaching English.
From there his career as a linguistic consultant and proof-reader. After a year, as a freelancer where he mainly collaborated with UniCredit Banca, providing company courses, from 2013 to 2018 he worked at New English Teaching Srl as a teacher and teacher trainer.
In 2019 he was hired by the British School Group as Deputy Director, taking on a managerial role which lasts until February 2021.
Since February 2022 Andrea has held the role of Training Ambassador.