
The course is aimed at funeral industry professionals who want to expand and improve their offering through targeted and appropriate promotion on the web and social media channels. Funeral services are a business in all respects and, as such, cannot escape the laws of the market: to effectively and strategically promote your business, a clear and defined marketing and communication strategy is necessary. Before the digital era, a funeral home obtained work through word of mouth. Today, more and more people rely on the internet in times of need, since in a very short time you have to organize the funeral and establish the budget. The integration between online and offline communication tools allows you to reach every type of customer, from the most digital to the most traditional.


To access this course you must:

Be 18 years of age or older at the time of registration.
Have obtained a secondary school diploma.
Good knowledge of spoken and written Italian.
Experience in the sector and knowledge of all the dynamics of the aforementioned work activity.

Course objectives

The training course aims to improve the professional skills of those who work or intend to work in this sector through an in-depth study of the communication and promotional dynamics that digital marketing makes available today. The primary objective is to expand, diversify and better manage the offer in the sector to always be one step ahead of the competition.


The concept of marketing properly understood, the market analysis, the strategies to be applied in relation to the customer’s needs, operational marketing and a correct and in-depth SWOT analysis.
Study of the website and how to use it in this sector. Through the continuous study of case histories, it will be taught how to create useful and appreciable content for people interested in the product/service.
The concept of SEO, Google algorithm and keywords, as well as an overview of Google Ads, through which you can intercept specific and targeted users.
Social media communication (Facebook and Instagram) to create targeted sponsored posts and campaigns with empathetic and direct communication.
How to increase visibility on social channels, create relationships and generate trust and loyalty.
In-depth analysis of content marketing as 360-degree communication for a narrative that effectively impacts the potential customer.


The total duration of the course is 56 hours.


One of the AKG offices in Milan


The price of the course is €793.


To obtain a certificate of attendance, a minimum of 70% attendance is required.

Sign up

Contact us to receive more information about our Digital Marketing for Funeral Operators course.

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