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Active labor policies

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AKG is an operator accredited for active employment policy services in Lombardy, Emilia-Romagna and Lazio.

Active and passive policies for employment

When we hear about employment services and employment support, the words active labor policies and passive labor policies often come up. What programs have been developed by the Ministry of Labor and Social Policies?

Passive labor policies concern income support programs (such as Naspi, the inclusion allowance or similar services provided by social security funds).

Active labor policies, on the other hand, are initiatives, measures and programs of national and local institutions that favor insertion or reintegration into the labor market and which require the active participation of the people who benefit from them.

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The objective of active employment policies?

The objective of active employment policies is to make the functioning of the labor market more efficient, adapting the characteristics of supply to demand demands, facilitating their matching and improving the possibilities of access to employment for the most disadvantaged categories .

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Active employment policy programs

What activities are foreseen by the active employment policy programmes?

How much does it cost to participate in active employment policy programs?

How do active employment policies work?

The services provided by AKG

Emilia Romagna



AKG supports two active labor policy programs

Garanzia Occupabilità dei Lavoratori

Garanzia Occupabilità dei Lavoratori (GOL) is a program planned by the Ministry of Labor and aims to improve job placement services for unemployed people aged between 16 and 64.

The GOL Program is aimed at working people with social safety nets or other income supports (NASPI or Inclusion Allowance), subjects considered fragile (such as young people, women with particular disadvantages, people with disabilities, over 55s) and unemployed people without support to income. The program includes job support, refresher courses and professional retraining courses.

AKG adheres to the GOL Program through the Regional Plans of the Lombardy Region, Emilia-Romagna Region and Lazio Region and is an accredited operator for employment services. It offers personalized career orientation services. Furthermore, in the Lombardy Region, AKG is an accredited operator for training services and provides highly professional training courses.

Dote Unica Lavoro

Dote Unica Lavoro is a program created as part of the initiatives promoted by the Regional Operational Program co-financed by the European Social Fund and aimed at unemployed people resident or domiciled in Lombardy who have already turned 30.

The Program aims to increase job opportunities for male and female candidates, supporting businesses and satisfying market demands by offering a range of services provided by public and private operators accredited in the Lombardy Region.

The program aims to support professional reintegration through personalized support during the job search phase, adapting the path to individual specificities related to the offer on the market.

The Dote Unica Lavoro program can last up to 360 days, depending on the intensity of the support needed.

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